On the 28th of April last year our annual cropping agronomy research site was sown. This was the first year of ongoing trials and agronomy research for our local area.
Ep Ag n Fert Wheat Trial Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) | Protein (%) | Screenings (%) | Test Weight |
Calibre | 3.03 | 9.1 | 1.8 | 75.8 |
Scepter | 2.94 | 8.7 | 1.4 | 75 |
Valiant CL | 2.89 | 8.8 | 1.7 | 76.1 |
Denison | 2.88 | 8.9 | 1.4 | 76.1 |
Vixen | 2.88 | 9.0 | 1.6 | 76.1 |
Borlaug 100 | 2.64 | 9.1 | 1.3 | 76.2 |
Chief CL | 2.59 | 9.4 | 2.3 | 76.6 |
Hammer CL | 2.57 | 9.0 | 1.4 | 76.8 |
Catapult | 2.55 | 9.5 | 1.5 | 76.7 |
Ballista | 2.55 | 9.1 | 1.5 | 76.3 |
Sunblade CL | 2.49 | 9.4 | 1.8 | 76.8 |
Sheriff CL | 2.32 | 9.3 | 2.1 | 75.9 |
Rockstar | 2.11 | 9.8 | 2.1 | 75.3 |
Above are the harvested results from our site, there is plenty of interesting information to un-pack.
Firstly as you can see our protein numbers were all below 10%, showcasing we left yield on
the table by not applying enough Nitrogen last season. 60kg/ha of 70/30 Urea/Soa blend was applied (23kg/N) however it is clear that was not enough to reach our yield potential.
No surprise to see Scepter and Calibre at the top of the list, Calibre is the first variety to come from Scepter genetics with a slight yield advantage as well as a longer coleoptile, it will be classed as "long" coleoptile with Scepter being classed as a "short". Mace, Vixen and Hammer CL are all classed as a "medium" length coleoptile. Calibre should be everyone's first choice wheat moving forward in my opinion.
Valiant CL was the top yielding Clearfield wheat. Valiant is a long season AH wheat best suited to April sowing opportunities. The soft finish last season would explain the strong showing with this variety as it was visually behind in maturity as expected.
Denison is very similar to Valiant CL, long season wheat which was aided by the kind finish and would not be recommended to be sown in the last few days of April like what was done in our site.
Hammer CL, which is being referred to as "The Clearfield Mace" had comparable yield to Chief CL as a main season Clearfield wheat. Hammer CL offers a AH grain package and is a quick-mid maturity compared to APW and mid-maturity for Chief CL.
As has always been the case with Clearfield Wheat's there is a yield penalty, this will again be the case for Hammer CL. The AH grain package a step up if people are growing Chief CL or Razor CL.
In the below table I have collaborated of all NVT yield results from the 2021 season on the Upper EP. Sites included are, Kimba, Minnipa, Nunjikompita (Wirrulla), Piednippie, Rudall, Warramboo and our EP AG n Fert site.
Upper EP 2021 Wheat NVT Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) | % of Mean |
Calibre | 3.02 | 117 |
Scepter | 3.00 | 116 |
Vixen | 2.99 | 116 |
Ballista | 2.89 | 112 |
Rockstar | 2.87 | 111 |
Mace | 2.85 | 110 |
Razor CL | 2.84 | 110 |
Catapult | 2.81 | 109 |
Sunblade CL | 2.70 | 104 |
Sheriff CL | 2.66 | 103 |
Hammer CL | 2.63 | 102 |
Chief CL | 2.62 | 101 |
Valiant CL | 2.47 | 96 |
Grenade Cl | 2.49 | 96 |
These results support what I would suggest we are seeing in paddocks, Calibre and or Scepter as your main wheat and if looking for a quicker variety to sow in your program Vixen or Ballista are a great option. And once again all Clearfield varieties do come with a yield penalty.
Something to think about is if you are growing Hammer CL for Barley Grass control and using the above results, you will be 390kg/ha behind Calibre. 390kg/ha x $350/t for wheat = $136.50/ha difference!
You could possibly look at using Sakura for Barley Grass control and grow Scepter/Calibre Wheat and not have a residue or plantback issue for the following season. With the application of Sakura you would still be $90+/ha in front not taking into account for Clearfield herbicides.
EP Ag n Fert Barley Trial Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) | Protein (%) | Screenings |
Cyclops | 4.03 | 9.3 | 1.02 |
Leabrook | 3.83 | 8.70 | 0.70 |
Maximus CL | 3.74 | 10.4 | 1.06 |
Beast | 3.62 | 9.7 | 0.59 |
Spartacus CL | 3.56 | 10.2 | 1.54 |
Minotaur | 3.44 | 9.8 | 1.37 |
Commodus CL | 3.43 | 9.6 | 1.00 |
Laperouse | 3.40 | 9.7 | 0.43 |
Scope CL | 2.79 | 10.50 | 0.90 |
Above are the harvested results from our site. Once again Protein was lower than we would have liked.
Cyclops topped the yield at our site, it is a dwarf type like Spartacus CL and Maximus CL but it is not a Clearfield variety. Cyclops is suited to areas where 3t/ha+ barley yields are to be expected.
Commodus CL and Beast are the two new lines very well suited to our area, both come from Compass genetics with Commodus CL being a Clearfield variety. As they are both similar to Compass they are very vigorous and competitive plant types and offer great ground cover on sandy soil types. They both offer more of a competitive plant compared to Spartacus CL. I believe they are very well suited to the mixed farmers that are looking for a grazing variety and offer a large grain yield over Scope CL.
For growers wanting to continue growing the dwarf type barley varieties, Maximus CL is a great step up on Spartacus CL if a Clearfield is required, otherwise Cyclops is potentially worth looking at.
In the below table I have once again collaborated of all NVT yield results from the 2021
season on the Upper EP. Sites included are, Darke Peak, Elliston, Minnipa, Piednippie (Streaky Bay) and our EP AG n Fert site.
Upper EP 2021 Barley NVT Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) | % of Mean |
Cyclops | 3.72 | 115 |
Beast | 3.71 | 115 |
Leabrook | 3.69 | 114 |
Maximus CL | 3.63 | 113 |
Compass | 3.60 | 112 |
Laperouse | 3.57 | 111 |
Commodus CL | 3.52 | 109 |
Minotaur | 3.49 | 108 |
Spartacus CL | 3.48 | 108 |
Fathom | 3.40 | 106 |
Commander | 3.14 | 97 |
RGT Planet | 3.01 | 93 |
Scope CL | 2.90 | 90 |
These results show that we have now moved passed Scope CL as a required variety, with Commodus CL offering a much better all round package in a mixed farming system and Maximus CL and Beast proven yielders we have plenty of strong barley options available depending on your situation. Spartacus CL has been a great performer however we have options that are now outperforming it across large areas.
EP Ag n Fert Canola Trial Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) | Moisture | Oil |
44Y94 CL | 1.24 | 7.4 | 43.20 |
Hyola Equinox CL | 1.16 | 7.2 | 44.60 |
43Y92 CL | 1.03 | 7.7 | 42.90 |
Hyola 580 CT | 0.97 | 8 | 39.60 |
Hyola Enforcer CT | 0.89 | 7.40 | 41.00 |
43C80 CL (Retained Seed) | 0.70 | 7.6 | 41.30 |
With Canola becoming a larger focus, ensuing we are growing the right varieties is extremely important in our more marginal areas.
As I would expect the Hybrid Clearfield varieties at the top of the table. 43Y92 CL has been a consistent performer in the Kimba area in the past 3-4 seasons. 44Y94 CL is the most recent variety released in the Y series, it is slightly later maturing that 43Y92 CL. Both these varieties will feature prominently in our Canola areas this season.
We also included some grower retained and sized 43C80 CL seed as a lower seed input cost, as you can see 44Y94 CL out yielded it by 540kg/ha!
If you work on rough costs of $3/ha to sow the retained seed and $55/ha for the hybrid seed, taking into account the yield deference and a canola price of $650/t you would be $300/ha in front by growing the high yielding hybrids. Showcasing that the correct variety selection in are area is so important.
If you have some harder to control broadleaf weeds such as Capeweed and would like to keep your Triazines in the system Hyola Enforcer CT is a good option, Enforcer CT is Clearfield and TT tolerant. Therefore you can use as a IMI soaker crop and use for Triazines for more broadleaf options.
EP Ag n Fert Field Pea Trial Results
Variety | Yield (t/ha) |
GIA2005P | 0.60 |
PBA Gunyah | 0.52 |
PBA Butler | 0.50 |
PBA Wharton | 0.47 |
GIA Kastar | 0.36 |
PBA Taylor | 0.29 |
Unfortunately last year there was an issue with the pre-emergent Terbyne application in the field pea trial and subsequently Medic took over the site and limited yield.
However GIA 2005P is a Kaspa type with improved tolerance to Clearfield herbicides. It is superior to GIA Kastar in both herbicide tolerance and early vigour. GIA2005P is early to mid-flowering and early maturing with an erect growth habit, It is currently being considered for commercial release.
If you haven't already spoken to us regarding new seed varieties for the coming season please give myself or Troy a call.
If there is anything you wish to see in this years Agronomy site please get in contact with myself, we are keen to hear what our growers want to see.
As always, please feel free to ring us to discuss any of your specific issues, questions or you are looking for more detail.
Kevin Dart - 0474 272 577
Troy Maitland - 0499 272 544